Saturday, December 29, 2007

AtHleTics CamP

Four day in school,except first day need to wake up at 5.30 a.m,other day can sleep until 6.30 a.m. "The early bird catches the worm ." However the junior one student are first time take part in training camp,just fresh entry trainee, but they still can wake up early than some old trainee.This thing I want to praise them, also encourage other trainee learn from them.
To be their coach in year 2007,I can make a conclusion of last camp in 2007 is CPSS's athletics team has a basic already,if they want get good result in 8 schools athletics meeting which will organize at year 2008 , they must grasp their time.To be a private school,the most problem is don't has enough activity time.Coach only can teach them a few time in one week ,this is lack for a trainee.That why CPSS's athletics team must plan their training and study time.
"Man propose,God dispose.", they will success although got a lot of pressure.Wish them achieve their target in 2008.

Friday, December 28, 2007


运动员们:See you at the top!सी यू अत थे टॉप!

TraIninG CamP......!!!!!

I just come back from a track and field training camp.This training camp is organize by Confucian Private School athletics group.4days in camp we were staying in Confucian's campus and training at M.B.S's playground.Why would I at there?I am their coach.So I need to give them instruct in this camp.
4days 4night in school,everyday we got two period training .First period is start from 8.00a.m until12.00p.m. and second period is 4.00p.m until6.45p.m. That means in one day they got 7hours and 45minutes training.However it seen a long time of training in one day ,but still need to cut down their rest time ,actually one day just have about 4 hours training time.For them,it is very hard already.At now,the group got a lot of new trainee,that mean they still need to train their skill 、strength and stamina.For us ,this kind of training is very easy,but for a new boy/girl,they need to try their best.
This time need to break at here.Now I am very tired,tell you more information in new post.

Monday, December 24, 2007

MeRry ChIrstmAs

However 2007 is a unstable year for Malaysia,but still need to wish you all,Merry Chirstmas !!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Last Saturday I was invited by my collegue to attend her wedding dinner.That time was my second time to challenge my limit.However in five day four night graduate trip had do it a lot of time ,but still worried couldn't back home at that day!I just drank half glass of red wine,and feel dizzy already...
Today I meet a old man in L.R.T. He is kindly let me sit at the place beside him.At first I am very happy,who knows?He is a drunkard...!All the trip in L.R.T just singing ,talking but not one talk with him.About me ,sit beside him and smile all the time.Everyone is same with me.
Wine,can help you if you drink a bit only;opposite,it can damage your body when drunk.Forget to tell you the end of the story on L.R.T ,until I went down L.R.T,the drunkard still in but dont' dare to maqke noisy again!!!Because an old police done his work to give him warning.
酒能助兴,亦能乱性。生平第一次真正喝酒应是06年去毕业旅行啦 !当时喝得醉醺醺地,幸好还记得爹娘姓什。丽珍婚宴上再次踏上钢线,喝了半杯红酒,就能媲美关公!还好有自知之明,尚能步行回家。

Saturday, December 22, 2007

吃汤圆 = 长大?!

冬至,相传自2500多年前就已开始。原是古时候为了测定气候而制定出的节气,逐渐演变成一个全民同欢的节日。长辈们口耳相传冬至吃一粒汤圆就是长大一岁,冬至时听到类似对话总是要冲去厕所把吞入口的二、三十粒汤圆无所不用其极地从肚里“掏出”,免得未老先衰!      慢慢地!我长大了。不再是以前懵懂无知的小弟弟了!吃汤圆变成了应酬之举,参与学校活动重于家庭聚餐......周星驰的《西游记》系列中有句经典台词:“曾经有一份至真至爱的爱情摆在我的眼前,我不懂得珍惜。失去了,才来后悔!如果有机会让我从头再来,我会对那个人讲三个字:我...爱...你!如果要在这份爱情加个期限,我期望是...一万年!”不知不觉我已吃了二十次汤圆!最近曾有一份医学报告说,现代人的人均寿命能达至100岁。如果我有一百岁,已走了五分之一。可是,我除了对于学校活动的参与是多多益善外,还做了什么?
有一份不论如何煎熬都浓郁的亲情就包围在我身边,我不懂感恩。别等到失去了,才来后悔。如果有机会让我自幼晓得 ,我会对他们说三个字:“谢谢你!”汤圆随时可以吃,冬至年年都会过,人事未必年年依旧!朋友,每年冬至吃汤圆,就多一次团圆的机会。但,你还记得小baby是搓汤圆的情景吗?
   Today is a chinese festival : Dong Zhi.
Every year arrive this time you will see a lot of tang yuan in the market,and make everybody confusion !!!Don't know how to choice the best!Actually,the best tang yuan in the world ,is you and your family make together.If you want a delicious tang yuan ,do it yourself. Friend,please treasure the time ,and give your family great gratitude because they are with you in your life.  

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Be JoyFul !!!

Friend ,still remember when are you feel happy at last time?Usually people will keep their painful time in mind easily,but don't care the joy time!Because normally people think a special time must be a joy time but a normal day must not a happy time.It will make you become a pessimistic person.Friend,become a joyful man ,make the world got more laugh together.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

NevEr ....

Usually a J1 student studying in a private chinese school will take part in a new student camp that organise by school.It is a tradition of private school.Unfortunally,however I am private school student ,but never take part in the camp.
Today ,I has become a senior of them .The gang still remember me ,but the new gang obviously don't know who am I.
For the new gang , they will designate me as a transient.
看着新生们初次接触尊孔文化,工委们呕心沥血准备的节目,何时我能以新生的身份尝试呢?不可能。过去的时光是值得回忆,但在二十岁的生日愿望还是希望得到十岁的PS2 ,就如井底之蛙,以为人生只有二十年啊!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

JusT Do It.....!!!

Big stimulate!
Always say don't have time to do my blog.
Finally I know it .Something you need just do it ;if not,it maybe become never.
I have do it and it won't be never.


where is here ???