Friday, February 29, 2008

The power of words...........!

The word got some miraculous power.Sometime your word will help somebody from the verge of suicide ,sometime will be the opporsite.Yesterday I saw one sentence was:"You need slowly to say emergency thing;caution in important thing;relax when chating;don't say nasty thing . "

We cannot control other to say anything but we have wisdom to let other people to like us.Disaster emanates from careless talk,we need to becareful of our word.

Little bodies may have great souls,a word may turn around the situation.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Music is The Medicine of the Breaking Heart!!!

古时人们极重视承诺,有时甚至乎达到无法守诺则羞愧自杀的地步。现代社会中人们的活动频繁,各种交际、相处时总有不同的约定。有些是相信对方而做的君子承 诺,有些是商场上必定需要的白纸黑字。约定的方式不同但其理念一致,就是遵守双方谈判时的约定。

古时的人极重视所做的诺言,可能是因为他们深受儒家思想熏陶,非常看重忠孝仁义四字。就算是绿林中人也不忘义字当头,忘恩负义就会被人耻笑呢!就好像水浒 传,三国演义中等等深入民心的人物。吕布武艺出众,唯品德低下,三次被美色诱惑弑主,人称“三姓儿”。现代社会交易频繁,口头承诺常因健忘而无效,因此白 纸黑字作为证据的地位水涨船高。例如法律诉讼中只有人证,却无物证的控告常常无疾而终;只有物证,没有人证的情况,只要物证被证实为有效,极可能会成功。 但是,现在是不是要做到事无大小皆需合约列明呢?

我因某事而出面谈判。谈判过程中也已斩钉截铁告知对手的举动无合法地位也不应行动,因相信对方所做的口头承诺,故无白纸黑字阐明要求。谁知,对方中竟有人 把我方的客气当成畏惧、默许,进而采取了更大范围伤害双方的举动。请问这种情况是因为我把言出必行的意思搞错了还是我做得不够决绝


《Who Raise me up?》,this song let me relax after this thing happened.


My society in secondary school had something happened recently.So I will not update my post in these few day .After settle these thing and I got my new laptop,I will continue to update my post.Hope you all happy everyday!
Teacher,"don't worry,be happy".The dawn will come soon.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What is Learning???

I met a friend yesterday.Actually he would like teaching in school,but now he is teaching in other private school now.A lot of reason he would go there to teaching,the most important thing is the school teacher to teaching that subject enough already.So, for his future,he apply to other school and that school approve his apply.

He compare the student between two school after he start teaching ,he found something is the rule make teacher become tired.One school is the teacher can do anything if the student don't follow the law,but other school is teacher also punish the student .In fact is they can do nothing.

This let me remember one thing that I met before.One student do something wrong in front of a teacher,but he don't want to apologize to teacher,the teacher want to sue the student.Why the relationship between student and teacher will like that?I don't know the reason,hope someone can give me any opinion.

"Fire that's closest kept burns most of all".If teacher still use old way to communicate with student,the most resist come from student.

Monday, February 18, 2008

First Gathering of Young Alumnus Graduate from 2002 to 2007.

Last Saturday was the first gathering of young alumnus that graduate from 2002 to 2007.This activity was start from 7.30p.m until 9.30p.m,in Confucian Private School.We also invite teacher join together.
"Man propose, god dispose".We were very worried before the activity started, because that day looked like a cloudy day.Fortunately,didn't rain also.
This activity had been done because some of us hope to meet our old friend before.We started our preparing from two month ago.From the start,we afraid don't had any alumnus attend this activity.But at the end,more than 100person attend this activity.However haven't reach our target before:250person, but still need to encourage my partner .Although was they first time,their work had a good end."Imagination is more important than knowledge ",this time proved our attentively was worth.
Something I have hear before,"Opportunity only knocks onces".From the opportunity to do this activity ,I meet my senior.Sometime,we are worrying don't have chance to see our friend.For who have join this time,I believe it is a good chance for you to complete your dream.
"Men may meet but mountains never",hope all of you will meet in future

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Gathering with old fiend just come back from JAPAN

"Nature has given us two ears,two eyes,and but one tongue,
to the end that we should hear and see more than we speak."
Today gathering with old friend at Times Square in afternoon.This friend has go to Japan about one and the half year,finally at this year had save enough money to come back.He is 杨进源.However he is come from a fairly well-off family,but he still can go to Japan for his university study by his hardworking and clever.He got the scholarship and do a part-time job let him don't need to worry school fee ,no only this ,he still got some pocket money to spend.

Sometime we will chatting a lot of thing when we are gathering ,but forget to listen what is our friend talking about.Friends,we got two ears,it let us hear what are our friend talking,to know how about their live recently;we got two eyes,it let us see what change of our friends;we got one tongue,it let us tell our friends how are us recently.

Let us treasure our friendship forever and keep these memory in your mind ... ...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Need Help!!!!

Don't know what happen of my blog?When I login this URL my security program tell me got virus,if anyone know what is the problem ,please tell me how to settle.
I need to hardworking to write down more essay in future.
Lose not time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Today see some news about PLKN(progam latihan khimad negara)
.This program was starting since year2004
until now has about 5year already!
In this holiday,hope I can find out all photo of PLKN ,and share with you all!!God bless me!!
I knew something in this camp is ,first impressions are most lasting!!!

Saturday, February 2, 2008


Five more days is Chinese New Year.
I want to congratulation you all :"Happy Chinese New Year!!!"


where is here ???